Too Much of a Good Thing: B6

Just some information so that others may learn from my wacky world….

I have found a new way to sabotage myself.  Vitamin overdose attacked my legs last week.  B vitamins can be great for nerves, but more is not better.  My adrenal support supplement has some B6 in it and the B12 supplement I take, apparently, also has some B6.

In the past, when patients would ask me about vitamins for their nerves, I would say that I know B vitamins can be really helpful but there is one that can increase nerve symptoms…so ask your doctor or pharmacist.

After experiencing neuropathy type symptoms in my lower legs, I will never forget which one is which!  Luckily, peripheral neuropathy symptoms caused by B6 usually reverse quickly.  I immediately felt better once I stopped taking B6.  I now have a B12 supplement that is ONLY B12.

Safe supplementing everyone!

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Random Rainbow Capture Last Week