Toasted Road Trip

  • To the young man at the convenience store that just found out he won $3000 on scratch off ticket.
  • To the baby deer that only made it across 4 lanes of a six lane road.
  • The the sheriff that was behind me on the tail end of a speeding caravan of cars but did not stop any of us.
  • To the trooper that passed me just as “paranoia strikes deep” danced from my speakers.
  • To Jefferson Airplane for bringing me down but not sleepy.

“When the truth is found
To be lies
And all the joy
Within you dies”

  • To the signs warning that bridges may ice first making me smile as I remember a time when I watched cars getting stuck on a bridge from my apartment window.  And how I now live too far south to see these signs on my commute.
  • To the GPS lady that welcomed me to Georgia but did not seem to care when I left for South Carolina.
  • To all of things that I forgot because, well, I was driving.  Can’t stop to take notes.
  • To the rain that hugged the sky until just now.