Fasting 10 Days

I started the fast on a bit of a whim.  It ended most purposefully with an apple and a big spoon of peanut butter.  It was not as good as I had been imagining all week, but I looked down at my stomach and asked it, “Are you happy now?”  It gurgled, thank you, back at me.

Lessons and observations from my adventure:

  1. Just because I want to eat, does not mean I have to.  I give into cravings so often with the excuse that I should go ahead, otherwise I will never be able to stop thinking about it.  Another favorite excuse:  my body must need something, so go ahead and eat that chocolate milkshake and fries. 8)
  2. Media has way too many pictures of food.  There are the obvious commercials for the -gotta have it now- fast food and sugary treats.  Pinterest can be evil.  My DVR has a list of cooking competition shows waiting for me.  I had never noticed how much regular TV shows flash food across the screen.  I envied Homer Simpson’s plate.  Really, craving cartoon food! Continue reading

Accidental Fast

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and thought, “today would be a great day to start a juice fast?”  Me either, until Wednesday.  I have been feeling bloated and just blah.  With vacation eating and lunch meetings, I had strayed from my low gluten and lactose diet for the past few weeks.

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Juicing Clutz!

So, I was all excited about my frozen berry juice this morning.  My shirt and counters are covered with yummy vitamins.  That is almost expected with this type of juice for me.  The important lesson of the morning?  Don’t drop the bag into the juicer!  It works much better when you take the berries out of the bag.  Just another opportunity to laugh at myself.

Too funny not to share.  Happy juicing!

My Best Juice Yet!

The juice I made this morning was, by far, the best I have made.  It starts smooth and sweet with a light pear flavor and finishes with just a suggestion of heat.  (I think I watch too many reality cooking shows, hehe).

The Mix:  2 colors of Kale; one scallion, parsley, yellow carrots, broccoli, a touch of cauliflower, 1/2 a hot pepper, one each of pear, orange, apple and tomato.

The picture shows everything I used.

Introduction Letter

a new blog about health tips for womenHi!

Welcome to my little blog.  I am an allied health care worker working to improve my life.  Over the years I have met some great people through this blog and look forward to continuing the journey.  In additional to health related topics, I blog about art, photography, hiking, and whatever is worth a share.  Thank you for visiting!



Laura “Katie”

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