Round 2: Killing Lyme

Relaxed wildlife

Doctor’s office

I went back to my LLMD after a month off antibiotics.  Progress has been teasing, but I am not “there” yet.  He is not 100% on why, so we decided to adjust the treatment and go at it another way.  I am now on a Lyme/Bartonella protocol that is targeting cyst forms of the Lyme.  Apparently, Lyme bacteria come in different forms and can hide out in biofilm and/or cysts.  Different antibiotics and natural products tend to target different forms deferentially.  After the first week, I am feeling better.

After taking 8,000 I.U. of sub-lingual D3 every day for several months my level was still only 36 (goal 60-80).  So, he told to increase to 10,000 for now.  I will also change brands to see if that helps at all.

As a side note, I listened to the recording of my visit and I am  a bad patient.  Poor guy was trying to figure out the puzzle and I answered his questions worse than a politician.  He must have been wondering if I had even heard the questions.

Supportive treatment changes (by me, not ordered)

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Too Much of a Good Thing: B6

Just some information so that others may learn from my wacky world….

I have found a new way to sabotage myself.  Vitamin overdose attacked my legs last week.  B vitamins can be great for nerves, but more is not better.  My adrenal support supplement has some B6 in it and the B12 supplement I take, apparently, also has some B6.

In the past, when patients would ask me about vitamins for their nerves, I would say that I know B vitamins can be really helpful but there is one that can increase nerve symptoms…so ask your doctor or pharmacist.

After experiencing neuropathy type symptoms in my lower legs, I will never forget which one is which!  Luckily, peripheral neuropathy symptoms caused by B6 usually reverse quickly.  I immediately felt better once I stopped taking B6.  I now have a B12 supplement that is ONLY B12.

Safe supplementing everyone!

Random Rainbow Capture Last Week

Random Rainbow Capture Last Week

Popping Pills 4: Turmeric


I take Turmeric a few times a week.  I began using it when I heard that I should add turmeric to my juicing regime to fight inflammation.  I still use it in my juices but I only juice 1-3 times a week.  Here is information from another blogger that uses curcumin for pain. (Thanks for the lead Carrie!)

There has been a good amount of research on turmeric.  However, there are not a lot conclusive findings and the search for answers lumbers on.  The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin.  This substance is what is used in many studies.  There have been studies that demonstrate different results when using the whole plant verses just one of its extracts.  So, when looking up research studies, please keep in mind that the actual chemical used, may not be the exact supplement you are taking.  For another opinion, this site does discuss the difference between the extract and the whole plant.

What Turmeric May Help

Inflammation, Arthritis, Stomach and GI issues,

Bloating, Water Retention, Skin Problems, Infections, Headache,

Cancer, Ulcerative colitis, Viruses, Transplant Rejection

Warnings and Precautions:  

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Popping Pills 3: Fish and Krill Oil

My vitamins

I used to take fish oil. I switched to krill oil because the pretty packaging told me it was better and it is a smaller pill. Now, I am reconsidering because of an info-program on an AM radio station. It seems that both have benefits. Check the EPA and DHA levels in your supplement. There are also antioxidant action to be considered.

It seems that there is still a lot of research to be done to find out which, if either, is better for what. As I have stated in the previous popping pills posts, please consult your doctor before adding any supplement to your routine. Fish oils can affect you in unintended ways and may not be suitable to for use with certain medications. Fishy burps are supposed to be helped by special coatings used by some brands and by freezing the pills. I have not had the problem with krill oil.

I started taking an Omega 3 supplement because my dry eyes and aching joints. Purported cardiovascular benefits were just a bonus. I do try to eat fish and seeds that contain omega 3’s, so I do not take supplements everyday. My food list: flaxseeds, chia seeds, salmon, sardines, walnuts, white fish (please be careful with mercury levels in fish). For a long list of foods and their fatty acid content click here. Currently, there is no RDA for omega 3.

What Omega 3 may help:

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Popping Pills 2: Iron

My vitamins


I decided to start taking iron a few days a week.  I have tested low enough to be turned away from donating blood a few times.  Since I have been tracking my food intake with the My Fitness Pal app on the phone, I have discovered that my iron intake is low.  In my search for energy and balance, I felt that taking some iron may be helpful.

Like vitamin D, from the previous post, you can take too much iron.  Please use with caution and discuss iron supplementation with your doctor.

The body uses iron to help build red blood cells.  These cells are what carry oxygen through the body.

Signs and symptoms of low Iron Continue reading

Popping Pills 1: Vitamin D3

My vitamins


I have mixed feeling about dietary supplements.  Most vitamins and minerals that we need can be taken in natural food form.  That seems so much better than popping pills to make up for holes in our diet.  Pills do not always absorb into the body and without the enzymes and other nutrients that accompany the target vitamin in whole foods, they may not be as effective.  There are a few areas that I just seem unable to ingest the desired amount no matter how many juices and smoothies I mix up.

I thought I would share my list and my justification for needing each.  Today is D3 day.  Everyone should thoughtfully consider and research any supplement that is added to their regimen.

Do you take supplements?

Vitamin D

I take this supplement because I have tested low.  Sunshine without sunblock is not a good option for me because I have a skin condition (vitiligo) that takes pigment out of my skin and may increase my risk for sun damage.  Another reason is that I have eliminated most fortified foods in my quest to eat more whole foods and avoid dairy.

I have had two tests with results of 15 and 23 ng/mL.  The table below is from the National Institutes of Health.

Table 1: Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] Concentrations and Health* [1]
nmol/L** ng/mL* Health status
<30 <12 Associated with vitamin D deficiency, leading to rickets in infants and children and osteomalacia in adults
30–50 12–20 Generally considered inadequate for bone and overall health in healthy individuals
≥50 ≥20 Generally considered adequate for bone and overall health in healthy individuals
>125 >50 Emerging evidence links potential adverse effects to such high levels, particularly >150 nmol/L (>60 ng/mL)

* Serum concentrations of 25(OH)D are reported in both nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) and nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).
** 1 nmol/L = 0.4 ng/mL

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My Favorite Grocery Stop

I am so lucky to have a great shop near me with organic produce and so much more.  I have alluded to it in the past but, as requested, here is the rest of the story (Paul Harvey’s voice here).

Sustain Natural Market has been open for a couple of years. There was a coffee shop there previously and they tried to use as much of the material as possible in building out their space.  Sustain is not just a name, it is their way.  One of the most impressive features of this store is that the products and their sources are researched.  If you are ever there, feel free to ask about a product and they will tell you with pride where it comes from.

I started shopping here shortly after I started juicing.  It is a relatively small shop, compared to the mega stores, and it shows in all the good ways.  There is always at least one person nearby to offer help and answer questions.  I must talk to at least three people each time I visit.  I do experiment and try other products but I go because of the produce.  This photo was from back in April and, I believe, everything in the picture was from this store.  When I venture Continue reading

My Best Juice Yet!

The juice I made this morning was, by far, the best I have made.  It starts smooth and sweet with a light pear flavor and finishes with just a suggestion of heat.  (I think I watch too many reality cooking shows, hehe).

The Mix:  2 colors of Kale; one scallion, parsley, yellow carrots, broccoli, a touch of cauliflower, 1/2 a hot pepper, one each of pear, orange, apple and tomato.

The picture shows everything I used.

Introduction Letter

a new blog about health tips for womenHi!

Welcome to my little blog.  I am an allied health care worker working to improve my life.  Over the years I have met some great people through this blog and look forward to continuing the journey.  In additional to health related topics, I blog about art, photography, hiking, and whatever is worth a share.  Thank you for visiting!



Laura “Katie”

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