Beware The Duck

Ever wonder if there are gangs of ducks roaming the streets at night?

Shady characters in the parking lot.

Shady characters in the parking lot.

Maybe you should.

I celebrated my one year blogging anniversary by taking the week off.  To avoid withdrawal symptoms, I tried to keep myself busy…

I made some pantry cleaning, chicken stew.

Chicken stew

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Before You Shop…Blogger Sunday

Somewhere between small business Saturday and cyber Monday should fall a day for blogger businesses.  There are wonderful photographers, writers, artists, health purveyors, and many others that are in the blogging world.

So I propose: Bloggers’ Sunday

On Sunday, relax in your favorite computer chair (or couch) and cruise around blogs with credit card in hand.  There are ebooks, print on demand books, free ebooks, photos, artist prints, essential oils, vacation retreats, and I am sure that I have missed many things.  There are items that fit all tastes and preferences.  These gifts are unique.  They are not from a box store stampede.

You also get to know the person you are purchasing an item from.  They have a blog, well, duh.  But look around their blog.  Do you enjoy their witty sense of humor and view of the world?  Do they take you to amazing places?  Do they give you insightful and inspiring information?  How often do you have the opportunity to learn information about the person you are buying from? How often can you post a comment or ask a question directly to the creator?

Blog Love

Are you getting a gift from a blog?

Do you have a blog, book or product to promote?

6 Month Harvest

Six months ago I began to juice.  I thought that I should journal my experiments; the good, the bad and the ugly.  The blogging bug bit me and I decided to start a more general site.  A whole new world opened and I began reading other blogs and gaining some WP friends 8)

Six months after a tentative juicing start, my free time has transformed.  This morning I was driving home from a paddleboard workout found on and stopped at the organic supermarket to pick up fresh fruit and veg.  For a treat, I just had tabbouleh salad on organic brown rice cakes.  Who just wrote that?

I used to laugh at the idea of a juice fast.  Well, one 10 day fast later, I stopped laughing.

I have gotten my first pair of glasses, likely because of all the extra time on the computer. 8)  And have taken my first photography lesson.

After 70 posts, 5800 views, and and almost 800 comments, I am looking forward to the next 6 months.

Thank you for visiting!!! Make yourself at home 8)

My next few posts will feature some of my favorite posts, photos and graphics.

Thank You!

This morning I wish to thank some fellow bloggers for nominating this site for awards.  I truly appreciate recognition from these sites and encourage you to check out their blogs.

First, Blame It On Disney selected this site for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I have been nominated for this previously so will not fully participate.  She has decided to stop writing posts, and will be missed.  I wish her the best of luck!

Secondly, I would like to thank Healing For the Nation for the Very Inspiring Blog Award.  This is a site with some fantastic inspirational quotes along with many other things.

Thirdly, a big thank you to Daily Choices Add Up for the Liebster Blog nomination.  Her latest post inspired me to pop in a YOGA DVD that had been collecting dust.  I lasted 10 minutes 8).

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Hat Trick

How wonderful!!!  I have been nominated for 3 awards.
Thank you to the lovely How to Online Date for the nomination for One Lovely Blogger Award.
Muchas Gracias to News of the Times for the nomination for the Illuminating Blogger Award.
Merci beaucoup to The Healthy Warrior for the nomination for the Beautiful Blogger Award.
They all have their own rules, so I will morph them to my design.  I encourage you to visit those three sites.  You will laugh, cry, laugh until you cry, and gain new perspective on news of the time, online dating, and being healthy.

Versatile Blogger and Photos

Thanks so very much to Shelby at  She has been so very kind as to nominate this site for the Versatile Blogger Award.  She is on a terrific journey to shed 100lbs and shares so many wonderful things about her journey beyond the exercise and food.  Her recent post about the RPE scale altered my perspective on some of my own health adventures.

Versatile Blogger AwardThere are some rules with this and I will try to not color too far outside of the lines.
Random stuff about me: Continue reading