Rainbow Warrior Fake?

I saw a short video on social media that was intriguing and it gave me a visual for a digital design. Then I decided to look it up. It sounded even more interesting. https://upliftconnect.com/rainbow-prophecy/ So I looked some more.

And then there is this that pretty much blows it all up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Rainbow_Warriors

I will look around a little more to see what I can see. Have any of you heard of it?

Acrylic Pouring and Social Media

There is no update on all of the invention projects.  Everything seems to be in a holding pattern.  Apparently, the world doesn’t work on my timeline <sigh>.

I have been keeping myself busy with art, Instagram (@activeartpassions), and YouTube.

It is really amazing that people do these things so well while working full time.  The YouTube learning curve so far includes:

Taking video, audio mixing (voice on video, voice overs, music), video editing, adding in special shots to make it more interesting if possible, go to the website that makes special thumbnails so people will want to click on your video just by seeing the little picture, affiliate links for products in the video (currently using Michael’s, Zazzle, and Amazon).  I don’t expect people to be clicking all over these now, but I do not want to have to go back to videos later and add them if  one of the videos get popular.

The videos are of something I would be doing anyway….or, maybe, they push me to do what I want to be doing and not procrastinate myself out of it.

I shall continue my home study courses in art, video production, marketing, and product development.  My sabbatical leave focused on new areas of study.

Behind the scenes look:  I do NOT naturally talk as fast as I do in the videos.  I speed up most if not all of the videos.  I also slow/speed up the music sometimes.

Career Choice: Introvert Inventor

The ever changing healthcare system has restructured me into a new opportunity.

I have the chance to spend some time focusing on some passion projects and leave the medical charting world….at least for awhile.

If you have followed me long enough, you know that this is not the first time that I have been fired, let go…my position has been eliminated. (Fired by Shakespeare)

The last surprise vacation, I was still on antibiotics for Lyme and vowed to rest and recover.  I did rest, somewhat.  I started perusing job postings and developing a plan almost immediately. I logged about a month of being off antibiotics before I started back to work.

Since I am feeling much better than I did then, I am going into my unplanned vacation with a little more confidence.  I have a plan.  Not one in stone, more like firm Jello.

Over the past couple months, I started to have some ideas for inventions.  The first is already in the: writing a patent application phase.  The other two ideas are not yet inventions.  They are bubbling around my head with a hundred variables of how to approach a problem.  Now is the time to really focus on them.  My hope is that I can get them developed enough that I can get to at least the “patent pending” stage on all of them prior to having to return to work.  Of course, it would be great if that happened more quickly and the first companies I pitch were in shock at my genius and just started throwing money, begging me to allow them the honor of producing my world changing items.  I have assigned myself next Monday as the day to send the second sprout over to my intellectual property (IP) attorney.  I needed to set a date because the longer I work with it, the more complicated I am making it.  Also, I want to make sure that I do not send it too early.  More than once, I was going to send something over that would have lacked enough detail, wasting everyone’s time.  It is much more complicated than the first sprout, so I need to make sure that I present it properly and in a much more organized way than what is going on in my head.

In the mean time, I am also painting more.  It’s fun experimenting with different techniques and learning a lot along the way.  The product is being altered in Light room and/or Photoshop to try to clean it up a bit and to morph it into something that can be put on a shirt, poster, key chain, mouse pad….whatever.

I have a store on Zazzle that has a few different groupings or collections.  The one with more of the painting based ones are here:  Active Art

Sites like this are not really big money makers for most people.  It is a way to share things that I create and if I tag them right, maybe I can make a few bucks while I hustle for licensing deals.  Can’t wait for ugly sweater season to approach.  I’ll have to come up with a few for that. Maybe Benny will get a new look.

Benny The Turtle PosterBennyHat

BTW–If I can’t get a nibble from a company about one of the sprouts, I may try some social media stuff to see if anyone would be interested in it.  Stay tuned….but it may be a couple.

The storm outside is building up a second blow, so I am going to publish before I lose internet again.







My latest art project has been completed!!

It started with an acrylic pour technique to establish the backdrop for the main character.  The layers built from there using combinations of different mediums. A bit of digital adjusting thrown in at the end to add the finishing touch.

There is a silent army of backyard monarch enthusiasts.  They create optimal conditions for monarchs and watch as hundred of monarchs fly away each year. A milkweed buffet is prepared and maintained. Watch is kept to deter predators, like wasps, from over harvesting.

Some general information about monarch butterflies

Thanks for stopping by!



Mother’s day gift chosen by recipient 🙂




Find the Music

Find the Music

A lot of people I know are musicians.  People I grew up with, family, friends. When someone brings out an instrument, you know something good is going to happen.  I have never seen anyone set strings on their lap and then start an argument.  Maybe, Dueling Banjos.


I keep trying out new ways of adding texture and depth.  This was a lot of fun to play with.  I hope you can hear some music in it.



Guitar Heat Poster



Knowing When to Stop


This is a picture of a painting I am about half done with. I do not paint very often and do it for entertainment purposes only. There seems to always be two critical moments during the painting process (and any other creative endeavor). 1) The moment when I have to make a big decision and commit to a direction. Like one of those books I loved when I was a kid. “…if you want to go into the cave turn to page 112.” There is a 50/50 chance that cave will be your doom.
2) The second moment is deciding which brushstroke is the last. I usually keep going too long. Often, in an effort to fix moment “1”.
This photo is at stage one. I now realize that the painting looks better in black and white. Maybe that is my painting style: bad technique and use of color fixed with photoshop! 8)

p.s. Be a part of the biggest comeback in history and vote for my photo (or any of the awesome photos in the contest). //www.bucketlistpublications.com/portfolio-view/travel-photo-contest-14/