Something Dry for a Hurricane Week

Did a little photo shoot during my getaway.  The place where I took the video and most of the pictures has likely been shut down for a couple of days until they are 100% about the hurricane and storm surge.  The beach was already much less busy than usual.  The only one I had seen driving on the beach was a lifeguard, so I about fell out when an ice cream truck drove past. (Daytona Beach has sections that allow people to drive and park on the beach.)

New Work Out Video

Are you tired of fighting of fighting for machines at the gym?

Is it too hot to go outside?

Do you think a hurricane is an excuse to not workout?

Well think again!

This amazing new workout will keep you groov’n and move’n. For a limited time we are offering this workout for free. That’s right, free to to the first round of motivated clients that are ready to change their lives forever.

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