Treadmill Lake

I was determined to get out on my paddleboard yesterday.  Weatherman said there is rain coming, but not until later that day.  He also said that there was some wind, but not too bad. That is what I heard anyway.  Thus began…

The Fear Factor Workout

Lil’ Red and I started our way out of the protected launch area.

Safe Harbor

As we made our way across the lake the wind was blowing left to right.  I can handle this.  It was blowing me towards the bank so I could not rest without risking being driven into grassy shores.  I can handle this. Continue reading

Popping Pills 4: Turmeric


I take Turmeric a few times a week.  I began using it when I heard that I should add turmeric to my juicing regime to fight inflammation.  I still use it in my juices but I only juice 1-3 times a week.  Here is information from another blogger that uses curcumin for pain. (Thanks for the lead Carrie!)

There has been a good amount of research on turmeric.  However, there are not a lot conclusive findings and the search for answers lumbers on.  The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin.  This substance is what is used in many studies.  There have been studies that demonstrate different results when using the whole plant verses just one of its extracts.  So, when looking up research studies, please keep in mind that the actual chemical used, may not be the exact supplement you are taking.  For another opinion, this site does discuss the difference between the extract and the whole plant.

What Turmeric May Help

Inflammation, Arthritis, Stomach and GI issues,

Bloating, Water Retention, Skin Problems, Infections, Headache,

Cancer, Ulcerative colitis, Viruses, Transplant Rejection

Warnings and Precautions:  

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Popping Pills 3: Fish and Krill Oil

My vitamins

I used to take fish oil. I switched to krill oil because the pretty packaging told me it was better and it is a smaller pill. Now, I am reconsidering because of an info-program on an AM radio station. It seems that both have benefits. Check the EPA and DHA levels in your supplement. There are also antioxidant action to be considered.

It seems that there is still a lot of research to be done to find out which, if either, is better for what. As I have stated in the previous popping pills posts, please consult your doctor before adding any supplement to your routine. Fish oils can affect you in unintended ways and may not be suitable to for use with certain medications. Fishy burps are supposed to be helped by special coatings used by some brands and by freezing the pills. I have not had the problem with krill oil.

I started taking an Omega 3 supplement because my dry eyes and aching joints. Purported cardiovascular benefits were just a bonus. I do try to eat fish and seeds that contain omega 3’s, so I do not take supplements everyday. My food list: flaxseeds, chia seeds, salmon, sardines, walnuts, white fish (please be careful with mercury levels in fish). For a long list of foods and their fatty acid content click here. Currently, there is no RDA for omega 3.

What Omega 3 may help:

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Introducing: Have You Ever…

As this is a blog about one woman’s journey to health, I feel it is time to address those little moments in life when I think that I must be losing my mind.  The classic example is that of walking into a room and forgetting why you are there.  I have come to believe that most of us have these moments and so find comfort in realizing that we are not alone.

Whether we are actually losing our minds or not, at least we can journey together.

Have you ever…

Started the coffee and forget to put the coffee grounds in?

How to Clean Lime From Coffee Pots thumbnail

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