Trial Hike

Trial Hike

I revisited a trail that I previously posted some pictures of in 2012.

After so many years, burns, trail maintenance, and hurricanes, parts of it were completely new to me. This was my first long hike after being diagnosed with Lyme Disease.  I totally overdid it but it was still nice.  May is Lyme Disease awareness month and I just wanted to shout out to everyone near the trail head just taking a leisurely walk in the woods in their swimsuits and sandals.  I am sure they thought I was headed out for some long primitive camping the way I was decked out and sprayed down. Oh, well.

Some of the animals seemed to stop and pose for me, it was really odd but I played along. The cardinal sat there like he wanted a full photo shoot so he got one.

It was certainly longer than I remembered. My legs are already sore :).



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Rose Theory of a Health Journey

I have had a hard time finding a way to explain why I am even on a search for better health.  I needed to be able to explain it to myself.  I was not as concerned about what others thought.  It never really occurred to me to try to explain it outside my own ego.

When fighting Lyme and company, there has always seemed to be something just not right.  We are missing a puzzle piece somewhere.  Various infections, hormones, nutrition….it always seems much more difficult and complicated than it should be.

I believe that I have found a way to explain it to myself.  The theory will not fix anything but thought I should share it in case anyone else could use it.

The Rose Theory

I first moved into my house over 10 years ago.  As a new home owner I was excited to fix up things and put to use all of those hours spent watching home improvement shows.  One thing that I really wanted was a beautiful rose bush.  It was a peace rose.  I tended to it as Google said I should.  I watered it often but careful not to over water it.  I sought advice on what fertilizer to use and when to apply it.  I made sure it received all the nutrients it needed.  I trimmed it as directed.  I was very attentive to its every need.  If I was doing everything just right, there were a few beautiful blooms as a reward.

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SUP Saturday Rebellion

Lil' Red and FriendsPatience, recovery, and rehab…

I teach it. I preach it. I skipped it.

Lil’ Red’s whispers grew in my ear.  

Echoing, bellowing, 

“Let’s go to the river,” He shouted.

I ventured out for a short stand up paddle boarding session today.  Tie down straps did not work, the launch fees increased from 3 to 10 dollars.  The crowd started by 9AM when the grounds used to be ghostly until closer to 10:30.

My legs were shaky and my balance faulty.  There were no falls or splashes.  It was clear that I had skimped on my preparation.  My flexibility was surprisingly constrained when transitioning from kneeling to standing.  The muscles in both feet have been spoiled.  A few minutes later, I was back on shore.

It was nice to be back out on the water!

With new exercises in mind, I put Lil’ Red away for another day.


Adrenal Fatigue – One year later

It has been about a year since test results showed that my cortisol and aldosterone levels were really low.  Click for first post on symptoms and causes.

I did not wish to wait until my next doctor’s visit to test again so I found the lab they used and requested a cortisol test.  If I retest aldosterone levels, it will have to wait for a regular MD visit and traditional lab work.

Drum rolllll:





Something seems to be working!!

I also did an AM blood sample that showed a level within the normal range.

For a few weeks prior to the test, I was not taking any adrenal support supplements.  I was still using an increased amount of salt in the form of Himalayan salt.

I Failed Spring

Spring cleaning is not just for closets!  You may recall that I have an unusual way of cleaning.

Last week, I decided to clean the mold off of the back patio.  My tools: water pressure and bleach.  It worked before, it should work again.  Nope.  I poured some bleach in a small area and decided to let it soak in and work its magic.

Gutter Sense Gutter Cleaning Tool - Improvements

Best thing ever! Click for link.

In the meantime, I would be productive and clean out the gutters.  I cleaned a small section and went back to the patio.

Nope still covered in nasty, stubborn mold and grime.

Back to the gutters.  I made it half way through one side and headed back to the patio.

Started to focus on water pressure from my little water hose.  It worked, a little…

My shoulder was sore from the gutter reacher pole thing and I was dizzy from leaning over to spray the patio at close range.

The only solution at this point:

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No More Antibiotics?

I had another trip to the LLMD this week.  After a long discussion of everything past and present, we decided to stop the antibiotics.  Hooray!!

Detox helpers I am not taking:

  • Chlorella – I took it for months until my system started to reject it.
  • Milk thistle – My reaction to this one was immediate.  Instant bad mood in a pill.


(Post edited)

Tommie Copper and the Acupuncturist Vs Foot Pain

My first steps almost every morning for the past several years have greeted me with the soreness that usually comes from plantar fasciitis.  My Lyme literate doctor (LLMD) has felt that this pain along with occasional burning and tingling is likely a symptom of Bartonella (a common co-infection of Lyme).  Two weeks ago, I began to have symptoms all day that became worse at night.  The LLMD wanted to know if any of my symptoms changed, so I called and left a message.  Through his nurse, he told me it was the Bartonella and suggested I add either another antibiotic or a herbal mixture called A-Bart.  The antibiotics I am already on are supposed to battle both Bart and Lyme, so I opted for the herbal boost.

Before I received the new medicine, I noticed that wearing compression stockings helped.  I ordered a pair of Tommie Copper socks that I could wear more comfortably and for longer periods of time.

Product Details

The compression seems to be the trick for reducing the tingling, burning and aching.  Who knew? Well, I am sure someone did, but not me.

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Another LLMD visit and C4a Results

In early January, I took a blood test called C4a.  As expected, the results were not back at my last visit.  He was to call me if anything unexpected came back.  I believe he was using it as a general marker of my current inflammatory level and to see if anything crazy high came back.  If it were crazy high, he may have wanted to investigate any mold exposure.

Turns out it was high, but not crazy high.  (over 7000 with normal being 0 – 2830).  C4a is NOT at all specific for Lyme.  It is just another piece of the puzzle that can be monitored.  I am feeling better since the test was taken so he believes that it would likely be lower at this point.  This blog has some information you may find interesting if you are looking for more.

From another site:


The complement system is a group of proteins that move freely through your bloodstream.  The proteins work with your immune system and play a role in the development of inflammation.

These short-lived products are re-manufactured rapidly, such that an initial rise of plasma levels is seen within 12 hours of exposure to biotoxins, and sustained elevation is seen until definitive therapy is initiated.

The rest of the visit was a symptom check and deciding to stay the course a little longer.


Using the Health Insurance Marketplace

One of the pleasures of being self-employed is that I have to purchase my own health insurance.  Sorry, this post may be bit boring for my international friends.

In order for the insurance to be active by the first of next month, I had to apply by the 15th of this month.

It was easy!

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