To Herx OR Not to Herx


What is a Herx Reaction?

The formal name is Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction. To keep it short, the theory is that there are some pathogens that, when killed off, release toxins. These toxins can make symptoms worse or even add a few new ones. Not everyone has a Herx reaction but some people have very severe reactions that make it impossible to continue treatment. For another blogger’s take click here.

The Trouble With Herxing

After reading some of the stories that Mr. Google showed me, I was a little nervous about the possibility. My LLMD understood that I needed to keep working and functioning at a high level, so he adjusted my protocol to what he thought would work best. [Or, he uses this protocol on everyone, because, it is better than having your patients bedridden and cursing your name.] I also began a preemptive strike. Eating, drinking and vitamining my way to detox nirvana. I have some days that are not as good as others, but that fits the normal pattern of life. I cannot say that I have had an identifiable Herx reaction (knocking on wood right now).

No! Not Bugs!!

The down side of not having a distinct reaction, is that there is no feeling of confirmation that we are on the right path of little bug homicide.
For now, I will be happy with some gradual symptom change.

Smoothie Updates

I have been more into smooth’n than juic’n lately, so there are no new juices to share.

I was out of town all weekend and unable to do any of it.  Cannot wait to get back to it!!

Spicy Chocolate Smoothie

If you like chocolate with an edge, this is the smoothie for you! Mine only had a slight edge, but you can go as far as you like with this.1 scoop veg protein mix
1 cup flax milk
1/8 cup cocoa
1 cup frozen banana
1 tbsp raw local honey
3 dashes from my cayenne spice bottle

Calories: 328

Juice Update

For Recovery:

After a long paddleboard workout, I used the chocolate veg protein mix in a smoothie with lunch in hopes for a fast recovery. It did seem to help. 
The next morning, I added a tbsp of peanut powder and had a smoothie breakfast.

1 cup Flax milk
1 scoop raw chocolate protein
1 banana
4 ice cubes

363 calories (200 from banana)

I’m using Flax milk this week because it is good and the shop I went to had it and not almond milk.

Juice for a new decanter:

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Juicey Friday Recap

This was a week of smoothies and juice…

The Epic Fail:

Someone planted the idea of a chocolate PB2 (powdered peanut butter-no oil) in my head. I went to make it and decided to put in some of my previous green juice because it was getting too old to last. WRONG move! I doubled everything and added honey to make it bearable. Leftovers anyone?
No recipe for this. It’s in your best interest.

Sweet Redemption:

After the disaster smoothie, I needed a comeback. This was it!
For my best yet smoothie:
1 cup almond milk
1 banana
1 pack Garden of Life chocolate protein mix
300 calories (most from the banana)

Juice for Two Days:

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A Juicer and a Blender walked into a Bar…

I addition to all of the wonderful and tasty treats I had through the holiday season, a new blender made its way home with me.  With new toy in hand, I have been re-inspired about my juicing and smoothie operation.  So I thought I would share a few of my concoctions from my juice site just to update and maybe even inspire.

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Diet Highlights

As the six month anniversary review continues, today the diet and food post highlights will be featured.

  1. Food Sensitivity
  2. Diet Wars
  3. For the Love of Coffee
  4. Eating Socially
  5. Probiotics
  6. Things to Add to Juice
  7. Sugar Highs
  8. The Start of the Fast

Fasting 10 Days

I started the fast on a bit of a whim.  It ended most purposefully with an apple and a big spoon of peanut butter.  It was not as good as I had been imagining all week, but I looked down at my stomach and asked it, “Are you happy now?”  It gurgled, thank you, back at me.

Lessons and observations from my adventure:

  1. Just because I want to eat, does not mean I have to.  I give into cravings so often with the excuse that I should go ahead, otherwise I will never be able to stop thinking about it.  Another favorite excuse:  my body must need something, so go ahead and eat that chocolate milkshake and fries. 8)
  2. Media has way too many pictures of food.  There are the obvious commercials for the -gotta have it now- fast food and sugary treats.  Pinterest can be evil.  My DVR has a list of cooking competition shows waiting for me.  I had never noticed how much regular TV shows flash food across the screen.  I envied Homer Simpson’s plate.  Really, craving cartoon food! Continue reading

Accidental Fast

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and thought, “today would be a great day to start a juice fast?”  Me either, until Wednesday.  I have been feeling bloated and just blah.  With vacation eating and lunch meetings, I had strayed from my low gluten and lactose diet for the past few weeks.

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Adding to Juice

  Adding anything from a package to nice, fresh juice seems odd.  I have found three things that I occasionally use to give juice an extra kick or just to have something a little different.

Chia Seeds:  Vegan and gluten free, they add fiber, omega fatty acids, antioxidants, protein, and other vitamins and minerals.  They may also help in weight loss.

Wheat Grass:  alkaline, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, protein, gluten free and vegan.

Pure Green Protein:  Packed with protein “with the amino acid ratio of human muscle.”  Great for mornings that I feel bad about not having a protein for breakfast or for using the mixed berry flavor to mask an unfortunate juice mix.

Do you have any favorites?

Juicing Clutz!

So, I was all excited about my frozen berry juice this morning.  My shirt and counters are covered with yummy vitamins.  That is almost expected with this type of juice for me.  The important lesson of the morning?  Don’t drop the bag into the juicer!  It works much better when you take the berries out of the bag.  Just another opportunity to laugh at myself.

Too funny not to share.  Happy juicing!