Fatigue and Hair Cuts

Just saw a video of someone with long COVID describing how hard it is to get their hair cut. Bright lights, loud music, hair dryers, people; it can be exhausting.

My strategy starts with my hairstyle. It allows me to only need to go to the salon 4-5 times a year. I have bangs that I rough cut, not aiming for that perfect straight line. Having my mistakes fixed every few months seems to work. I have my stylist cut it as short as it can go and still be able to pull it back. I don’t have the energy to blow dry and style my hair before work. The back of my hair can grow for months before it noticeably needs to be cut.

I try to make morning appointments, even better if it’s a weekday; less customers and less stylists at their chairs. Finding a ‘one stylist salon’ would be great but it’s difficult and likely expensive. I also have a person I like that caters to my quirks. Like wanting an extra towel under my neck at the sink and knowing that I want to sit up if there is a reason for waiting at the sink (conditioner, getting more towels from the dryer). Most stylists seem good about chatting or not chatting depending on their clients’ mood, and mine is certainly good at that.

The rest of the day’s schedule is kept as light as possible; a short trip to the store on my way home or a couple hours of work at most.

Almost no effort put into getting ready for the appointment. Comfortable clothes, no make up, but do make sure to brush my hair really well to limit any knots they need to work out. If you do not need any processing, you can wash your hair before/after as needed if the hair bowl thing is uncomfortable for you.

Do you have any energy saving tips and tricks?

SUP Saturday Rebellion

Lil' Red and FriendsPatience, recovery, and rehab…

I teach it. I preach it. I skipped it.

Lil’ Red’s whispers grew in my ear.  

Echoing, bellowing, 

“Let’s go to the river,” He shouted.

I ventured out for a short stand up paddle boarding session today.  Tie down straps did not work, the launch fees increased from 3 to 10 dollars.  The crowd started by 9AM when the grounds used to be ghostly until closer to 10:30.

My legs were shaky and my balance faulty.  There were no falls or splashes.  It was clear that I had skimped on my preparation.  My flexibility was surprisingly constrained when transitioning from kneeling to standing.  The muscles in both feet have been spoiled.  A few minutes later, I was back on shore.

It was nice to be back out on the water!

With new exercises in mind, I put Lil’ Red away for another day.


Putting My Head in the Sand – hiding from lyme

My Last doctor’s appointment was a couple of months ago.  My cortisol was low.  My pregnenalone was non existent.  My brain was in meltdown mode.  I began using pregnenolone supplements.   The benefit was being able to finish sentences.  The anti-benefit was that the left side of my brain seemed to lose contact with the right side.  However amusing and adventurous it is to think “change radio station” then reach for the garage door opener, I knew the fun would have to come to an end.  When I forgot to turn my car off when filling up with gas, it became apparent that maybe I should stop the supplement.  What amazes me is that there are healthy people taking it just for a little memory boost.

I am back to talking like a fairly intelligent being and have stopped all supplements except Vitamin D and Lymphomyosot.  My vitamin D level was 37 while taking 10.000 IU daily.  I am trying different brands but still no joy.  At least it is up from 15.  The lymphomyosot keeps the lymph moving.  I am still dairy free and low sugar and gluten.

My blood pressure and cholesterol are up. (105/70 and 163) I think that is good. It just sounds so counter culture to declare that a positive. I do not get dizzy nearly as often and I have been able to stop adding salt to everything. I am pretty sure that it is more because of the weight that I have gained in the past 6 months rather than any miracle cure.  Whatever…

So, I decided to just ignore everything until next year.  The story I tell myself is that I just need time to recover and rebalance after all of the antibiotics.  The truth is more likely that I am just sick of going to doctors and taking pills.  Either way, it will be a nice little vacation.

I did get a cool new toy that seems to have gotten rid of neuropathy symptoms in my feet!!

“The Richway Amethyst BioMat Professional 7000MX is an amazing healing tool that has changed thousands of lives for the better.   It’s most important function is to produce far infrared rays of light that penetrate deeply into the body, warming all the cells and tissues evenly throughout.  These rays are produced by rows of amethyst crystals that cover the entire surface of the Bio Mat.”

 I found a used one with a full warranty from a licensed dealer and made the plunge.  It is a FDA approved medical device but like most things for sale, the hype around it is a bit much.  It did help me, so, I guess I will add to it.  Some people sleep on it, but I find far less than comfortable. You are laying on crystals, why would it be comfortable?  I have taken naps on it.  If nothing else, the BioMat is a giant hot pack that happens to have negative ions and and infrared rays.



Adrenal Fatigue – One year later

It has been about a year since test results showed that my cortisol and aldosterone levels were really low.  Click for first post on symptoms and causes.

I did not wish to wait until my next doctor’s visit to test again so I found the lab they used and requested a cortisol test.  If I retest aldosterone levels, it will have to wait for a regular MD visit and traditional lab work.

Drum rolllll:





Something seems to be working!!

I also did an AM blood sample that showed a level within the normal range.

For a few weeks prior to the test, I was not taking any adrenal support supplements.  I was still using an increased amount of salt in the form of Himalayan salt.

Round 2: Killing Lyme

Relaxed wildlife

Doctor’s office

I went back to my LLMD after a month off antibiotics.  Progress has been teasing, but I am not “there” yet.  He is not 100% on why, so we decided to adjust the treatment and go at it another way.  I am now on a Lyme/Bartonella protocol that is targeting cyst forms of the Lyme.  Apparently, Lyme bacteria come in different forms and can hide out in biofilm and/or cysts.  Different antibiotics and natural products tend to target different forms deferentially.  After the first week, I am feeling better.

After taking 8,000 I.U. of sub-lingual D3 every day for several months my level was still only 36 (goal 60-80).  So, he told to increase to 10,000 for now.  I will also change brands to see if that helps at all.

As a side note, I listened to the recording of my visit and I am  a bad patient.  Poor guy was trying to figure out the puzzle and I answered his questions worse than a politician.  He must have been wondering if I had even heard the questions.

Supportive treatment changes (by me, not ordered)

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Back Above Board!!!

Inspired by surviving the cookie weekend, and 2 days to recover, I decided to take Lil’ Red out for a lazy SUP trip. I slowly paddled out about fifteen minutes and let the current do most of the work on the way back.

It was fantastic to be back out on the water, and equally fantastic to have 2 days to couch surf as needed to recover.


My Energy Solution? Kidney Hats

Click for photo source site and adrenal information

One of the reasons that I started my “get healthy” journey and, in fact, one of the reasons I began this blog is that I have a very small bucket of energy to get me through the day.  I have been searching for the right mix of healthy solutions to apply to my life.  The journey has taught me a great deal but I have not felt much, if at all, better.

I decided to step outside the box again and drive over to visit an integrative and natural medicine  center.   My first appointment involved the nurse taking some basic vitals and few more tests.  Then, the doctor and myself sat in his office and discussed everything for over 90 minutes.  He suggested some tests and let me know which ones he thought were more urgent and important, and why.  Together, we decided the tests that I would take.  It felt a little odd to be out of the more paternalistic and time crunched model.

I returned to the doctor about 5 weeks later and discussed the results (another 80 minutes of discussion).  There are still some investigations to be done to get to the bottom of what, if anything may causing some of the results.

* This office does not accept insurance.  Using a cash based system offers them more freedom in how to conduct their practice.

There is a huge learning curve going on here, so I am sure to be sharing more related information as time goes on.  I am sharing this just as general information on my journey.  If you have any specific questions just ask away, or email.  The “traditional” medical doctors I have gone to over the years did not run or offer these tests.  There is controversy over some of these tests’ accuracy and over the treatments offered.  If you have experience or information on any of these topics please feel free to share!  But like Planet Fitness, this is a no judgement zone.

Test 1:  Cortisol

This test was done at home through a saliva collection at certain times throughout the day.  The result was that my level was low throughout the day…well late at night it was near the average range.  So, when I am sleeping, I am close to normal.  8)

Test 2:  Aldosterone

Continue reading

Introverts and Energy

My idea of a fun Friday night. 8)

I was driving to a conference this weekend and listening to Growing Bolder on the radio.

The guest being interviewed was Sophia Dembling.  She has written a new book entitled, The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World It was a very interesting interview and there was one particular topic that really stood out for me.

She stated that extroverts not only crave social interaction but are also energized by it.  Introverts may like social interaction but are drained by it.  Introverts will need some alone time to recharge.

Maybe this solves the mystery of why I am usually tired.  My job, a job I love, involves at least 40 hours a week of social interaction.  I fake being an extrovert pretty well, but it is exhausting.  So maybe I do not need blood work, a special diet, or more supplements.  I just need to figure out how to fake being energized while pretending to be an extrovert.


Cartoon Found Here.

Image Found Here.


The Fast Crash

So, full results disclosure of my recent experiments…

Fatigue is not a new experience, but this is driving me loco.  After the adventurous workouts, it took a few days of riding the couch to get my energy back.  Since I broke the fast, I have been so very tired.  My energy was fine during the workouts and juicing.  A health hangover?  Today I made it to after lunch before I crashed.  A definite improvement over the weekend, when doing laundry was a reason to lay down.  I did have a juice this morning and will have one tonight, if I can find the energy to make it.

Just tired of being tired.  I am sure I will get over it soon enough.   My body is slowly finding homeostasis.  A happy flower, after the rain….