Putting My Head in the Sand – hiding from lyme

My Last doctor’s appointment was a couple of months ago.  My cortisol was low.  My pregnenalone was non existent.  My brain was in meltdown mode.  I began using pregnenolone supplements.   The benefit was being able to finish sentences.  The anti-benefit was that the left side of my brain seemed to lose contact with the right side.  However amusing and adventurous it is to think “change radio station” then reach for the garage door opener, I knew the fun would have to come to an end.  When I forgot to turn my car off when filling up with gas, it became apparent that maybe I should stop the supplement.  What amazes me is that there are healthy people taking it just for a little memory boost.

I am back to talking like a fairly intelligent being and have stopped all supplements except Vitamin D and Lymphomyosot.  My vitamin D level was 37 while taking 10.000 IU daily.  I am trying different brands but still no joy.  At least it is up from 15.  The lymphomyosot keeps the lymph moving.  I am still dairy free and low sugar and gluten.

My blood pressure and cholesterol are up. (105/70 and 163) I think that is good. It just sounds so counter culture to declare that a positive. I do not get dizzy nearly as often and I have been able to stop adding salt to everything. I am pretty sure that it is more because of the weight that I have gained in the past 6 months rather than any miracle cure.  Whatever…

So, I decided to just ignore everything until next year.  The story I tell myself is that I just need time to recover and rebalance after all of the antibiotics.  The truth is more likely that I am just sick of going to doctors and taking pills.  Either way, it will be a nice little vacation.

I did get a cool new toy that seems to have gotten rid of neuropathy symptoms in my feet!!

“The Richway Amethyst BioMat Professional 7000MX is an amazing healing tool that has changed thousands of lives for the better.   It’s most important function is to produce far infrared rays of light that penetrate deeply into the body, warming all the cells and tissues evenly throughout.  These rays are produced by rows of amethyst crystals that cover the entire surface of the Bio Mat.”

 I found a used one with a full warranty from a licensed dealer and made the plunge.  It is a FDA approved medical device but like most things for sale, the hype around it is a bit much.  It did help me, so, I guess I will add to it.  Some people sleep on it, but I find far less than comfortable. You are laying on crystals, why would it be comfortable?  I have taken naps on it.  If nothing else, the BioMat is a giant hot pack that happens to have negative ions and and infrared rays.