New Work Out Video

Are you tired of fighting of fighting for machines at the gym?

Is it too hot to go outside?

Do you think a hurricane is an excuse to not workout?

Well think again!

This amazing new workout will keep you groov’n and move’n. For a limited time we are offering this workout for free. That’s right, free to to the first round of motivated clients that are ready to change their lives forever.

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My Trip Home and….

…my twist on the weekly photo challenge: Merge.  (Nothing official, just Photoshop fun.)

A couple of months ago, the universe told me not to go to the mountains.  Nothing was in sync until I made a reservation to fly up to see family.  As the sun rose last Friday morn, I headed out for a weekend of good food and family bonding.  It was a fabulous trip!  I was able to see cousins, aunts, uncles and the star: grandma.

On the flight home, I began to drift off.  Is there something on the wing?  I do NOT want to be in the Twilight Zone.  It’s Fred!  He must have followed me on the trip.

Just then, I get jarred awake.

The pilot is on the PA system:  “(static) Um, well folks, it looks like we are done with the roller coaster for awhile.  They are routing us west to avoid the storm.  We will have about 15 minutes with the seat belt sign off.  If you should need to use the facilities, this would be a good time.  We will land about 20 minutes later than my previous estimate.”

It is at times like these that we all ask ourselves certain questions:

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Knowing When to Stop


This is a picture of a painting I am about half done with. I do not paint very often and do it for entertainment purposes only. There seems to always be two critical moments during the painting process (and any other creative endeavor). 1) The moment when I have to make a big decision and commit to a direction. Like one of those books I loved when I was a kid. “…if you want to go into the cave turn to page 112.” There is a 50/50 chance that cave will be your doom.
2) The second moment is deciding which brushstroke is the last. I usually keep going too long. Often, in an effort to fix moment “1”.
This photo is at stage one. I now realize that the painting looks better in black and white. Maybe that is my painting style: bad technique and use of color fixed with photoshop! 8)

p.s. Be a part of the biggest comeback in history and vote for my photo (or any of the awesome photos in the contest). //

Keep Your Balance

From the CDC:  Falling is the leading cause of injury death for those 65 and older.  One out of three adults over 65 fall every year.  Less than half talk to their doctor about it.  (Some studies use 45 and older)

Head injuries, fractures, lacerations and fear, all resulting from falls, can lead to a loss of independence and mobility restriction.  Some people become so afraid about falling that they severely restrict their activities.  They become more dependent on others and lose some quality of life.

What keeps us vertical?

There are three systems that provide the input that keeps us balanced.  Vision is more than being able to read a chart in your doctor’s office.  Depth perception and tracking objects are also important skills.  It is important to have vision tested for all of these, especially if there have been balance changes.  Vestibular (inner ear) problems can become more frequent as we age.  There are tests and treatments for inner ear issues.  Proprioception involves the information your brain gets from the muscles and joints about what position they are in.  This area is the easiest to work on independently before and after seeking advice from your primary care doctor, ENT and/or physical therapist.  Processing the information in the brain and sending signals back out to the body is the last step.

So what can we do?

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The Fast Crash

So, full results disclosure of my recent experiments…

Fatigue is not a new experience, but this is driving me loco.  After the adventurous workouts, it took a few days of riding the couch to get my energy back.  Since I broke the fast, I have been so very tired.  My energy was fine during the workouts and juicing.  A health hangover?  Today I made it to after lunch before I crashed.  A definite improvement over the weekend, when doing laundry was a reason to lay down.  I did have a juice this morning and will have one tonight, if I can find the energy to make it.

Just tired of being tired.  I am sure I will get over it soon enough.   My body is slowly finding homeostasis.  A happy flower, after the rain….

Thank You!

This morning I wish to thank some fellow bloggers for nominating this site for awards.  I truly appreciate recognition from these sites and encourage you to check out their blogs.

First, Blame It On Disney selected this site for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I have been nominated for this previously so will not fully participate.  She has decided to stop writing posts, and will be missed.  I wish her the best of luck!

Secondly, I would like to thank Healing For the Nation for the Very Inspiring Blog Award.  This is a site with some fantastic inspirational quotes along with many other things.

Thirdly, a big thank you to Daily Choices Add Up for the Liebster Blog nomination.  Her latest post inspired me to pop in a YOGA DVD that had been collecting dust.  I lasted 10 minutes 8).

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Fasting 10 Days

I started the fast on a bit of a whim.  It ended most purposefully with an apple and a big spoon of peanut butter.  It was not as good as I had been imagining all week, but I looked down at my stomach and asked it, “Are you happy now?”  It gurgled, thank you, back at me.

Lessons and observations from my adventure:

  1. Just because I want to eat, does not mean I have to.  I give into cravings so often with the excuse that I should go ahead, otherwise I will never be able to stop thinking about it.  Another favorite excuse:  my body must need something, so go ahead and eat that chocolate milkshake and fries. 8)
  2. Media has way too many pictures of food.  There are the obvious commercials for the -gotta have it now- fast food and sugary treats.  Pinterest can be evil.  My DVR has a list of cooking competition shows waiting for me.  I had never noticed how much regular TV shows flash food across the screen.  I envied Homer Simpson’s plate.  Really, craving cartoon food! Continue reading